Quality control laboratory

Innovarcilla has the only quality control laboratory of ceramic products accredited in Andalusia, according to the testing inspection AENOR N Mark (Technical Certification Committee CTC-034) for fired clay construction materials.

enacsece05pqIn particular, it has ENAC Accreditation No. 672 / LE1471 for testing the following products:

  • Pieces of fired clay for masonry
  • Pieces of fired clay for facing walls
  • Pieces of fired clay for coated partitions / separating walls
  • Fired clay ceramic slabs for roofs
  • Roof-tiles and auxiliary pieces of fired clay
  • Fired clay paving stones
  • Fired clay sub-roof panels
  • Flooring / pavements
  • Food ceramic containers
  • Clay ceramic materials


In the following link you can see the Technical Annex with the Scope of Accreditation.


The available extensive equipment and its versatility allow also assess materials of a different nature from ceramics, adapting the equipment to each specific need.


Centro tecnológico de la cerámica.

Polígono Industrial el Cruce.
C/ Los Alamillos, 25
23710, Bailén, Jaén
Teléfono 953 678 559